Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Oracle is ignoring my DOP

Some time ago I came over interesting problem with parallel execution in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( PSU 5) which I think is worth sharing.

One of the programmers came to me claiming, that Oracle is totally ignoring his parallel degree which he set with parallel hint. Query looked in principle like this (please keep in mind that query is specifically tailored for problem to manifest):

                       /*+ full(line) parallel(line, 2) */
                       DISTINCT item.item_id,
            FROM order_line line,
                      order_item item
            WHERE line.line_id = item.line_id
                       AND line.order_date = item.order_date
                       AND line.order_date BETWEEN '01012014' AND '31122014'
            ) sel,
            order_item_detail detail
WHERE detail.order_date BETWEEN '01012014' AND '31122014'
           AND detail.order_date = sel.order_date
           AND detail.item_id = sel.item_id
GROUP BY sel.item_id;

All tables and ranged partitioned by quarter of year on DATE column order_date. All indexes are local with no compression.

So I ran it and checked parallel query overview:

As you can see, he was requesting DOP 2, but our parallel query overview claims he requested DOP 4. Even if that was true, how is it that we see 8 parallel slaves?

You can see something called Slave Set in our query witch has value 1 and 2. This means that Oracle has created two slave sets for processing of our query. This is because Oracle identified two operations which can be done at same time. Basically slave set 1 is producing data for slaves in set 2 which are performing our aggregation operation. Each set is respecting requested DOP, but together, they go double the DOP originally requested.

So this is why DOP 8 and not 4. Now let's try to find out why DOP 4 when we wanted 2. Let's check execution plan first:

Well, nothing special there for a first sight, but DOP has to run up from somewhere. Let's try to limit it in our session by:


And run our query:

As we can see our DOP is 3 now. This must be an application of rule where if there is no DOP set, Oracle will use default DOP. We are limiting DOP of tables by our hint and this should be inherited to all tables, which are part of parallel query. From execution plan, we can see that Oracle is also performing parallel execution on some indexes with index fast full scan. Normally if Oracle sets to run parallel on indexes also, he'll use DOP which is set for the query. But it seems that he ignored our DOP from tables and overridden it with default value from parallel scan of indexes, since we did not specifically set it. Let's test our query with following hints then:

SELECT /*+ parallel_index(detail, item_ordr_det_ix1, 2) parallel_index(detail, item_ordr_det_ix2, 2) */
                       /*+ full(line) parallel(line, 2) */
                       DISTINCT item.item_id,
            FROM order_line line,
                      order_item item
            WHERE line.line_id = item.line_id
                       AND line.order_date = item.order_date
                       AND line.order_date BETWEEN '01012014' AND '31122014'
            ) sel,
            order_item_detail detail
WHERE detail.order_date BETWEEN '01012014' AND '31122014'
           AND detail.order_date = sel.order_date
           AND detail.item_id = sel.item_id
GROUP BY sel.item_id;

Now that's a nice BUG. Oracle has really overridden our DOP with default DOP from index parallel scans in index join.

This behavior is very hard to reproduce (I was not able to do so with my own data) and I have seen it only twice in very particular setup, so you might never run into it. But it's good to be prepared.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Character Set Migration

Just yesterday, someone on LinkedIn has created discussion with following question:
I want to convert Character Set of database from UTF8 to US7ASCII. (Degrade)
I have used CSSCAN utility, which says very less data loss.(Few MB's)
Please suggest best possible way for this migration. This is to be performed on Dev DB.

My response was following:
Other guys might be more helpful, since I’ve never had a "luck" of changing character set.
You haven't specified your database version (you always should), so I'll point you to Oracle Database Documentation for 10g Release 2, which seems to be quite specific on the subject:
Please google doc for your version.
My guts tell me that if DB is quite small, I would go for full Export and Import.
PS: Don't forget to backup you DB first
So I figured it would be good idea to actually try it by myself. I used full database export and import I thought would be a good solution (all is done on database version

dbca - create database TESTDB - Character set: AL32UTF8, National Character Set: AL16UTF16

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user michal identified by michal;
SQL> grant dba to michal;
SQL> create directory DB_EXPORT as '/oradata/dump';
SQL> grant read,write on directory DB_EXPORT to michal; 

$ sqlplus michal/michal

SQL> create table my_test_table
 name varchar2(1024), 
 nname nvarchar2(1024)
tablespace users; 

SQL> insert into my_test_table values ('Michal Šimoník','Michal Šimoník');

SQL> insert into my_test_table values ('včelí úly','včelí úly');
SQL> insert into my_test_table values ('žvatlám šišlám','žvatlám šišlám');
SQL> commit;

$ sqlplus / as sysdba @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/csminst.sql 
$ csscan full=y tochar=US7ASCII process=4
user: sys/Manager as sysdba 

$ view scan.err 

$ expdp michal/michal full=Y directory=DB_EXPORT dumpfile=testdb.dmp logfile=testdb.log

dbca - drop database TESTDB
dbca - create database TESTDB - Character set: US7ASCII, National Character Set: AL16UTF16

$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user michal identified by michal;
SQL> grant dba to michal;
SQL> create directory DB_EXPORT as '/oradata/dump';
SQL> grant read,write on directory DB_EXPORT to michal;

$ impdp michal/michal full=Y directory=DB_EXPORT dumpfile=testdb.dmp logfile=testdb_imp.log
$ sqlplus michal/michal

SQL> select * from my_test_table;

Results seemed as expected. But still, it's a small test. I would expect difficulties with things like advanced queuing, replications, etc.

As pointed out in the discussion, I would also encourage you to read through Oracle Document Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET From AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode) to another NLS_CHARACTERSET in 8i, 9i , 10g and 11g (Doc ID 1283764.1) on Oracle Support.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Real Application Clusters

Just a quick heads up based on my recent experience.

If you are upgrading your RAC database to Oracle 11g Release 2 on Unix system (hp-ux 11.31 in my case), you might want to check if feature Real Application Clusters is enabled. Easiest way to do so is to run following select from any single database which is running from same ORACLE_HOME:

select value from v$option where parameter='Real Application Clusters';

If value is FALSE, your RAC database will not come up. Follow RAC Survival Kit: Rac On / Rac Off - Relinking the RAC Option (Doc ID 211177.1):

Login as the Oracle software owner and shutdown all database instances on all nodes in the cluster.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f rac_on

If this step did not fail with fatal errors then proceed to next step

make -f ioracle